Legal terms
This website is made available to you subject to your unconditional acceptance of the conditions of use, clauses and warnings set out in this document. Through your access and use of the website, you accept the legal notices without any reservations.
This website is developed by Vanois sprl-s, hereinafter “Vanois” on behalf of the Doctor Talib, hereinafter “the owner”, responsible for the site’s management and organisation. Doctor Talib is located at Avenue Henri Jaspar, 120 – 1060 Brussels, Belgium. You can contact the owner via this website’s contact page.
The website has an information guide on the service provisions provided by the owner. The information that figures on this website is of a general nature. It doesn’t include specific or personal situations. We note that the information and legal documents available on or through the website cannot be considered a faithful reproduction of the legal texts. Only the official texts published in the Moniteur Belge (the Belgian Official Gazette) are authentic.
Use of the website
The owner tries to make the updated information complete, correct, exhaustive and up to date. Despite these efforts, the information provided may contain errors. If the information issued on or through the site should contain errors or if certain information is unavailable on or through the website, the owner will take all measures to rectify the situation. If you find errors in the information made available on the website, please contact the owner via this website’s contact page.
The owner reserves the right to modify these general terms and conditions, its website’s documents or the descriptions figuring in these documents at any time.
Links to other websites
The links to other Websites are provided exclusively for your convenience. If you use these links, you will leave this website. The owner has checked all these external websites, but doesn’t control them. For this reason, the owner will not be held liable concerning these websites or the information, software or other products and documents found on it, or concerning the results of their use. If you decide to access external sites linked to this website, you do so under your sole responsibility.
Applicable legislation and competent tribunal
All disputes related to or following use of the website are subject exclusively to Belgian law. Only the courts of the owner’s judicial district have jurisdiction to settle these disputes. Use of this website is not authorised in countries that do not apply all these provisions, including this paragraph.
Exemption clause
Do not take any important decision based on the information divulged through this website! Please contact a person who has the professional skills to give you advice specific to your situation. The owner and Vanois can in no event be held liable for a contractual liability or tort liability claim, for any direct, indirect damages or incidents (including foregone earnings, loss of savings or business opportunities, loss of data, industrial damages, inactivity or personnel costs, physical or psychological injury). This website is used at the user’s sole risk and peril. Certain countries or competent courts do not authorise liability exclusion or liability limitation for indirect damages or similar so this limitation may not apply to you.
If you have any comments or questions on our data protection policy, please contact us through this website’s contact page. If you cannot fully or partially approve this website, your sole recourse is not to use it any more.