Adoption of your new program
The next six months will be decisive for making the necessary changes: not only will you lose weight but you will learn to avoid resuming it.
This period offers you the opportunity to change and, with the help of the intragastric balloon, to lay the foundation for a healthier existence.
A personalized program will be awarded to you by your multidisciplinary team, and your appointment schedule will be based on your profile.
The success of your participation in the intragastric balloon program depends on your desire to take full advantage of the support of your team and the adoption of essential principles of hygiene of life.
The intragastric balloon offers you the opportunity to adopt the lifestyle changes needed to maintain your weight.
Your new nutritional program must be integrated into your lifestyle permanently.
To lose weight successfully, it is not enough to lose weight, you also have to eat what it takes and at the right time. Your dietitian will help you understand the principles of balanced nutrition and adjust your eating habits to make healthy choices.